Infographic: 3 reasons why onlays are a better alternative to crowns

When it comes to accidental cracks and breaks to the tooth’s surface, repairing the tooth to its original appearance and functionality can be a relatively costly and stressful affair.
Here at Hooper Tooth Conserving Dentistry in the Eastern Suburb of Rose Bay, Sydney, we specialise in restoring balance to your mouth by using the tooth’s natural structure as a foundation. This allows the restoration to act as a regular tooth and last without destroying the tooth’s structural stability.
Find out why a minimally invasive option, such as an onlay, could be the more appropriate restoration for your tooth and how investing in an onlay is investing in the lifespan of your smile with our infographic:
1. Preparing the Tooth
Depending on the depth and nature of the damage, your tooth may be able to be restored with an onlay instead of a crown.
Onlays are necessary when the damage is beyond the repair of a filling. Rather than acting as a cap over the entire tooth like that of a crown, an onlay is customised to bond tightly into the crevices of the damaged surface.
2. The preservation of the natural tooth
Because the restoration preserves as much of the natural tooth structure as possible, it is possible for the onlay to be adjusted or repaired and it has the capability to last as long as a crown.
An adjustment may be necessary if for example, you want to whiten you teeth. The materials that the onlay is fabricated from are designed to resist staining which also means that they will not whiten as a natural tooth does when whitening treatments are applied.
Generally we suggest having your teeth whitened prior to the fabrication of your restoration so this will not be an issue. Here at Hooper Tooth Conserving Dentistry we offer a take home whitening treatment and an in-office treatment for patients who are after a whiter smile. Learn more.
In cases where the restoration isn’t cared for properly, a repair may be required. For crowns, repair is exceptionally difficult and may result in the loss of the entire tooth – roots and all.
Repairing an onlay on the other hand is much simpler because the tooth’s natural structure is far more stable. In most cases when carried out by a professional such as Dr Joe Hooper, the repair will leave the tooth unscathed so the new restoration can fit comfortably in the place of the previous onlay.
Although crowns are slightly stronger, an onlay is still as strong as a natural tooth. As long as the onlay is bonded to the tooth appropriately, it can still last as long as a crown.
3. Price
One of the most significant contributing factors as to why an onlay is the better choice is that an onlay can be fabricated and set at a fraction of the price. Onlays can be as little as half the cost of a crown and still hold all of the benefits listed above.
Do you need to restore a tooth?
Your restoration can be far less invasive than a crown and at a fraction of the cost.